Shanaaz Khan


Shanaaz Khan

Shanaaz Khan

Crime Fiction, Thriller, Suspense, Mystery, Action & Adventure, Romantic Suspense, New Adult Romance, Paranormal Romance, Romance, Literary Fiction, Fantasy, Teen & Young Adult, Poetry

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  • Member Since

    Feb 2024

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  • Country

    South Africa

  • Born

    9 April

  • Profession



I am a prolific writer (By definition)

I write under two pen names. One is still a mystery.

I enjoy making strange sounds on the train, driving in small spaces, listening to country music, and watching Korean Dramas. I live for my daughter, while enjoying the pleasures of my dogs, Niklaus and Raven, and the naughtiness of my mischevious cat, Troy.

My husband, while mostly away exists in my real life and in my books. I have a darker side of writing, with my books primarily character driven, with murder or suspenseful sub plots.

If I were to sum up my favorite color and food, it will not work as I don't have a favorite. If I cook it, I love it.

The most interesting thing about me, is I have twitches in my legs, and I am extremely good at keeping to my books. (That is a lie)

Anything else, you guys are welcome to ask.


Secrets of The Famiglia book trailer

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